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Empower People Inspire Change


Empower People ∙ Inspire Change

Church Service Center is a faith-based community service organization which demonstrates Christ’s love by Empowering People and Inspiring Change. Our purpose is to connect those in need with those in our community who have a heart for service.

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Our problem

18.5% of Bartow, FL residents had an income below the poverty level in 2019. Poverty is defined as the state of having few material possessions or little income. Poverty also includes a lack of basic human needs and access to the necessities of life such as health care, education, and social services.

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18.5% of Bartow, FL residents had an income below the poverty level in 2019, which was 31.7% greater than the poverty level of 12.7% across the entire state of Florida

According to the Federal Reserve, 41% of adults nationwide would be unable to pay for an unexpected $400 emergency expense. 

Nearly 55 percent of Florida’s four million children are either living in or near poverty, or in households that are one missed paycheck or lost job away from not being able to meet basic needs. 

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the solution

We aim to empower people to make good decisions with the guidelines and direction of our services. By providing selected options that will inspire the neighbors to own decisions and take steps to invoke change in their lives we will pave the way for a positive future.

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This place changed my life!!! Thank you for all that you do!

Alexa Young, CA

Contact Us

495 E . Summerlin Street Bartow, Florida 33830 

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© 2023 by BartowCommunityServiceCenter

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